Introducing Aquclean: A Powerful Sanitizer, Disinfectant & Desealer
Each 1 liter contains:
– Benzalkonium Chloride I.P. (v/v): 18% v/v
– Citric Acid IP (w/v): 24% w/v
– Inert Ingredients: q.
Aquclean serves as a highly effective water sanitizer and disinfectant, boasting multiple functionalities:
1. Water Sanitizer and Disinfectant: Keeps water clean and free from harmful pathogens.
2. General Purpose Cleaner: An exceptional cleaner for various surfaces.
3. Eliminates Scale and Mineral Deposits: Efficiently removes scale, mineral deposits, junk, and slime from water pipes.
4. Desealer: Effectively descales water lines and cooling pads.
5. Acidifier: Serves as an excellent acidifier.
6. Nipple Waters Cleaner and Descaler: Ideal for cleaning and descaling nipple waters.
7. Dirt Deposit Remover: Eliminates all dirt deposits, ensuring water remains clean and pristine.
8. Compatibility: Compatible with all popular disinfectant agents, enhancing overall efficacy.
9. Farmer’s Best Safe Product: Trusted and recommended by farmers for its safety and effectiveness.
10. Avian-friendly: Can be used in the presence of birds without causing harm.
11. Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly: Highly economical, biodegradable, and environmentally responsible.
Recommended Usage in Poultry:
Water Sanitation & Acidifier: Add 1 ml of Aquclean to 20 to 30 liters of water.
Disinfection & Descaling: Mix 10 to 20 ml of Aquclean per liter of water for effective results.
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